Hi everyone,
I am having problems with highlighting in the PHP API. We are running on ES 1.7.
If a use a bool
query for the search it does not return any highlighted results. The search itself works fine. However if a use a simple match_phrase
query the highlighting works.
Here is a sample code of the search body:
$params = [
'index' => $index,
'type' => $type,
'body' => [
'from' => ( (int)$offset * $this->getSearchResultSize() ),
'size' => $this->getSearchResultSize(),
'indices_boost' => $this->getIndicesBoosts(),
'sort' => $this->getSorting(),
'query' => [
'bool' => [
'must' => [
'term' => [ '_all' => $query ],
'filter' => $this->getFilterConditions( $acl, $product, $spaceId )
'highlight' => [
'pre_tags' => ['<span class="search-highlight">'],
'post_tags' => ['</span>'],
'fields' => [
'content' => [
'force_source' => true,
'fragment_size' => 100,
'number_of_fragments' => 3
If i replace the bool query with
'match_phrase' => [
'content' => $query
it works.
I already tried using the same query as in the search as highlight_query
but that did not help either. Casting the fields
array to an object also did not help.
Is there any way I can get the highlighting work with the bool query?
EDIT: The same applies for aggregations.
Thanks for your help!