Problems with date subtraction

Good morning, I would like help.

My problem is this, I need to create a field in kibana which is the subtraction of two date fields ex (2017-01-01 - 2017-01-11) where the result would be 10 days

I'm creating a painless doc ['date1']. Value - doc ['date2']. Value is not working
help me

Are your field strings or date types?

You can look at the index pattern to see. For example my date1 and date2 are dates (they're also scriptable and aggregatable which I think they need to be if you use them in a scripted field);

Then I created this scripted field (the difference in dates is in milliseconds so I divide by 1000 to get seconds, by 60 to get minutes, by 60 to get hours, by 24 to get days);
(doc['date2'].value - doc['date1'].value) / 1000 / 60/ 60 /24

And the result is 10;

If you'r dates are strings, I'll have to find the trick to convert them and then I expect it would be the same formula.


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