I had this working under Kibana 6.x, reporting on all nodes with the latest timestamp older than a set period (like 15 mins). But I reinstalled with 7.x and no longer can generate the queries / visuals for this.
@Lisa_Katz. Not even sure it is a difference in version or in the method (I can't remember how I actually did it). I am trying to create a query that shows the most recent timestamp for each node (which I can do now) but then show only those nodes where the most recent timestamp is more than a certain period from current time. (Essentially a heart beat check).
I know that this will require other setups to be effective and which I can do already (regular jobs on the nodes themselves to force a generate of a message, pre-populating nodes that have had their documents archived off, etc), but I want to be able to show a list of nodes who are "silent" and who should not be.
I know I had this working on 6, but failed to document it and now I have upgraded to 7 I cannot reproduce.
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