Ah, yes, we had 8.4. So we have upgraded the test server to 8.6 and here is the results:
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"_shards": {
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"collector": [
"name": "SimpleTopScoreDocCollector",
"reason": "search_top_hits",
"time": "1.3ms",
"time_in_nanos": 1308447
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"query": [
"type": "KnnScoreDocQuery",
"description": "ScoreAndDocQuery",
"time": "843.2micros",
"time_in_nanos": 843270,
"breakdown": {
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"build_scorer_count": 98,
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"rewrite_time": 6000,
"collector": [
"name": "SimpleTopScoreDocCollector",
"reason": "search_top_hits",
"time": "591.1micros",
"time_in_nanos": 591179
"aggregations": [],
"fetch": {
"type": "fetch",
"description": "",
"time": "24ms",
"time_in_nanos": 24071502,
"breakdown": {
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"type": "FetchSourcePhase",
"description": "",
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"description": "",
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"process": 8099,
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"next_reader_count": 9