Proximity between more than 2 words


If I write the query "fox brown"~5, i will get results in which those words are no more than 5 words apart.

Can I also write a query "fox brown fast"~5? If so, which results shall be returned?




Why not just try it out with some sample data? I just did and it seems like the slop factor (the ~5) account for the maximum number of other tokens allowed in the phrase (other than the ones specified in the query):

PUT /slop/test/1
  "text": "the fox one two three brown four five fast"

PUT /slop/test/2
  "text": "the fox one two three brown four five six fast"

GET /slop/test/_search
  "query": { "simple_query_string": {
    "query": "\"fox brown fast\"~5",
    "fields": ["text"]


"hits": {
    "total": 1,
    "max_score": 0.27927625,
    "hits": [
        "_index": "slop",
        "_type": "test",
        "_id": "4",
        "_score": 0.27927625,
        "_source": {
          "text": "the fox one two three brown four five fast"

So the last query matches fox one two three brown four five fast (doc1) but not if you put six token enywhere inbetween tokens in the phrase


Thanks for your answer.
I am researching this search engine, but unfortunately don't have it install on my machine.
Tried to install it, but it got complicated, so I thought I can get help here.

You can get help installing it if you like :wink:

For my current needs, this was easier.
If I see I need further experiments I will ask for installation help :smiley: