Proximity search - percentage - more than one result


Is there the possibility to specify a percentage value, when performing the
proximity search.

LIKE: "this is an example"~0.5 (This doesn't work)

Furthermore I like to know if there is a way to get the N best results, not
only the best.

Thank you for your answers!

Janek Sendrowski

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the main question is, what does proximity mean for you? Could be several

  • Words should be similar to the ones specified (including typos)
  • Words should be exact, but the occurance of each words should be near to
    each other
  • The whole phrase should be similar
  • etc...

You might want to take a look at the fuzzy queries, at phonetic analyzers
and, if you want proximity search like described in

then you need to specify a number greather than one in order to define the

hope this helps a bit


On Sat, Feb 15, 2014 at 2:28 AM, janek sendrowski


Is there the possibility to specify a percentage value, when performing
the proximity search.

LIKE: "this is an example"~0.5 (This doesn't work)

Furthermore I like to know if there is a way to get the N best results,
not only the best.

Thank you for your answers!

Janek Sendrowski

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