[publish] pipeline/retry.go:155 Drop batch


my pipline looks the following:
log -> filebeat -> redis

Filebeat is giving me a lot of following errors:

2019-02-08T14:22:04.554Z        INFO    [publish]       pipeline/retry.go:155   Drop batch
2019-02-08T14:22:04.614Z        INFO    [publish]       pipeline/retry.go:155   Drop batch
2019-02-08T14:22:04.732Z        INFO    [publish]       pipeline/retry.go:155   Drop batch
2019-02-08T14:22:04.790Z        INFO    [publish]       pipeline/retry.go:155   Drop batch

But I see messages coming in in redis.
What does the drop batch mean exactly? Do I lose log events? What can I improve?

filebeat and redis are running as docker on the same host in the same virtual docker network.
File is mounted from outside into filebeat container.

Thanks, Andreas

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