Filebeat Drop Messages

Hi everyone,

I have a doubt about Filebeat. For example, we have a Filebeat which is send several logs to Redis. If there is a problem with Redis, such as memory problems or Redis is down, what Filebeat will do? will it drop them? Is it better to send to Logstash?

Thanks in advance,


I have a doubt about Filebeat. For example, we have a Filebeat which is send several logs to Redis. If there is a problem with Redis, such as memory problems or Redis is down, what Filebeat will do?

It will wait until Redis is available again. As long as the input files aren't rotated you'll be fine. If the files are rotated I suspect the behavior depends on your filename pattern and possibly how the files are rotated.

will it drop them? Is it better to send to Logstash?

No, Logstash itself has no built-in buffer.

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