Pull data from Twitter(particular hashtag)

Hi All,

I am using logstash to pull data from twitter to elasticsearch.
Below is my config file.

input {

twitter {
	 add_field =>
	consumer_key => "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
	consumer_secret => "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
    oauth_token => "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
    oauth_token_secret => "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
    full_tweet => true		
    keywords => ["ipl"]


output {
protocol => "http"
document_id => "%{id}"
host => "localhost"
index => "twitter"
index_type => "tweet"

In above config file i given ipl as keyword.So it's pulling data from twitter wherever ipl keyword is present(I am not Sure).

But i want data from particular hashtag.(EX:@IPL)

1.What columns i need to add in config file to pull data from mentioned hashtag??
2.Is logstash have that capability to pull data from particular hashtag??

Please help me.


Hello @Dan,

DId you get an answer for this query. Even I am looking for the same?

No,I didn't get any Answer...