Pushing data to elasticsearch using java api

I have installed elasticsearch 2.4.2 and trying to push data to it using previous code

Settings settings = ImmutableSettings.settingsBuilder()
.put("cluster.name", clusterName ).build();

Client client = new TransportClient(settings)
.addTransportAddress(new InetSocketTransportAddress(address , port ));

BulkProcessor bulkProcessor = BulkProcessor.builder(
		new BulkProcessor.Listener() {
			public void beforeBulk(long executionId,
					BulkRequest request) { request.numberOfActions(); System.out.println("Before bulk .... "+new Date()); } 

			public void afterBulk(long executionId,
					BulkRequest request,
					BulkResponse response) {  System.out.println("After bulk .... "+new Date());  } 

			public void afterBulk(long executionId,
					BulkRequest request,
					Throwable failure) { System.out.println("throwable...some exception...."); System.out.println( failure.getMessage() ); } 
		.setBulkSize(new ByteSizeValue(1, ByteSizeUnit.MB)) 

ImmutableSettings class present in 1.5.2 but not in 2.4.2. Hence I got following error

ImmutableSettings cannot be resolved

My question is how can I push data to elasticsearch 2.4.2 using java api ?

Try replacing ImmutableSettings.settingsBuilder() with Settings.builder() ?

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