Put data error as the Docs guides

Hi ,
I have run the ElasticSearch.bat and Kibana.bat on windows correctly with the version of 6.3.0.
on the Devtools page ,I copy the data from the user Guide , therefore ,I received unexpected repsonse like this.

I have tested the console function. It can only repsonse with Get command.

I don't know why this happened .

PUT /megacorp/employee/1
"first_name" : "John",
"last_name" : "Smith",
"age" : 25,
"about" : "I love to go rock climbing",
"interests": [ "sports", "music" ]
"statusCode": 504,
"error": "Gateway Time-out",
"message": "Client request timeout"

Sounds like an issue with a load balancer or proxy to me. Are you accessing Kibana through a proxy or load balancer? Is Kibana accessing Elasticsearch in that manner?

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