PutLifecycleRequest with new Java client


What is the approach for creating Lifecycle Policy with new Java client.
Policy of rollover after 10gb maxShardSize and delete after 5d.


Try this:

client.ilm().putLifecycle(plr -> plr
        .policy(p -> p
                .phases(ph -> ph
                        .hot(h -> h

I was trying this

PutLifecycleRequest request = PutLifecycleRequest.of(plr -> plr
					.policy(p -> p
							.phases(phase -> phase
									.hot(h -> h
											.configurations(c -> c
													.rollover(r -> r
									.delete(d -> d
											.minAge(t -> t

but it fail because action is missing in delete.
Is action can be added just has a json?

Yes. Apparently it's not fully supported yet. I learned it as well the hard way :wink:
It will be probably in the future...

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