Python Elasticsearch-DSL UpdateByQuery Syntax

ElasticSearch 7.5 Indices are firewall log data. I am experiencing too many failed GeoIP lookups using GeoLite2-City.mmdb. To fix these issues, I am working on a Python script that will do lookups for documents with missing location data to and then update the documents.

Everything works great up to where the documents need to be updated. I am new to DSL and Painless scripting, and would appreciate some help.

The Painless script is...

script = {
    "script": {
      "lang": "painless",
      "source": """
          ctx._source.geoip.city_name = params.city_name;
          ctx._source.geoip.continent_code = params.continent_code;
          ctx._source.geoip.country_name = params.country_name;
          ctx._source.geoip.country_code2 = params.country_code2;
          ctx._source.geoip.country_code3 = params.country_code3;
          ctx._source.geoip.dma_code = params.dma_code;
          ctx._source.geoip.ip = params.ip;
          ctx._source.geoip.latitude = params.latitude;
          ctx._source.geoip.longitude = params.longitude;
          ctx._source.geoip.postal_code = params.postal_code;
          ctx._source.geoip.region_code = params.region_code;
          ctx._source.geoip.region_name = params.region_name;
          ctx._source.geoip.timezone = params.timezone;
          ctx._source.tags = params.newTags
      "params": {
        "city_name": city_name,
        "continent_code": continent_code,
        "country_name": country_name,
        "country_code2": country_code2,
        "country_code3": country_code3,
        "dma_code": dma_code,
        "ip": ip,
        "latitude": str(latitude),
        "longitude": str(longitude),
        "postal_code": postal_code,
        "region_code": region_code,
        "region_name": region_name,
        "timezone": timezone,
        "newTags": newTagsList

The script string prints correctly...

Python code to execute the UpdateByQuery is...

docsUBQ = UpdateByQuery(using=client, index=index).filter("term",tags=tagFailed).query("match", src_ip=src_ip)

docsUBQ = docsUBQ.script(source=script)

The above query works fine if UpdateByQuery() is replaced with Search(). It returns all documents with failed GeoIP lookups for the specified src_ip.

No errors are being returned; however, no updates are being made...

What am I missing, other than a brain?


tagFailed = "_geoip_lookup_failure"
src_ip = ""

city_name = "Saint Petersburg"
continent_code = "EU"
country_name = "Russia"
country_code2 = "RU"
country_code3 = "RUS"
ip = ""
latitude = 59.88881
longitude = 30.31671
location = {"lat": 59.88881, "lon": 30.31671}
postal_code = "196084"
region_code = ""
region_name = "Northwestern Federal District"
timezone = "Europe/Moscow"
newTags = str(["PFSense", "firewall", "DstPortService", "_geoip_lookup_fixed"])

source = "ctx._source.geoip.city_name = params.city_name; ctx._source.geoip.continent_code = params.continent_code; ctx._source.geoip.country_name = params.country_name; ctx._source.geoip.country_code2 = params.country_code2; ctx._source.geoip.country_code3 = params.country_code3; ctx._source.geoip.ip = params.ip; ctx._source.geoip.latitude = params.latitude; ctx._source.geoip.longitude = params.longitude; ctx._source.geoip.location = params.location; ctx._source.geoip.region_code = params.region_code; ctx._source.geoip.region_name = params.region_name; ctx._source.geoip.timezone = params.timezone; ctx._source.tags = params.newTags"

params = {'city_name': city_name, 'continent_code': continent_code, 'country_name': country_name, 'country_code2': country_code2, 'country_code3': country_code3, 'ip': ip, 'latitude': latitude, 'longitude': longitude, 'location': location, 'region_code': region_code, 'region_name': region_name, 'timezone': timezone, 'newTags': newTags}

docsUBQ = UpdateByQuery().using(client).index(index).query("match", src_ip=src_ip).filter("term", tags=tagFailed).script(source=source, params=params)
response = docsUBQ.execute()

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