i am trying to make 300 queries per second to my Elasticsearch from my script, but i am not very sure how can i make in an optimal way reusing the connections.
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
import _thread
es = Elasticsearch( [ { 'host' : "" 'port': 9200 , 'max_clients' : 100000 } ] )
def myThreadFunc(es):
result = es.msearch( body = myquery, max_concurrent_searches = 100 ,request_timeout = 0.6)
return 0
whille True:
for i in range(10):
is the "es" object going to deal with reusing connections and keep alives( if it is necessary)?
When i check GET /_nodes/stats on my ES the 'http' -> "total_opened" the number increase very quickly. If the connections are keeped alive it's supposed this value has to increase only when connections are expired and opened again?