We're trying ES5.2.0 in place of ES5.1.1, and I'm seeing alot of these messages:
[org.elasticsearch.deprecation.common.ParseField] Deprecated field [minimum_number_should_match] used, expected [minimum_should_match] instead
Q: Is minimum_should_match back-compatible with 5.1.1, or would we be required to be running 5.2.0 in order to be using the new name, minimum_should_match ?
Yes, minimum_number_should_match is deprecated and will be removed in 6.0, you should use minimum_should_match instead, and it is fine to use in all versions of ES 5.x.
I'm going to re-categorize this question to 'Elasticsearch' rather than 'Elastic Cloud', just in case anybody on the Elasticsearch team would like to comment.
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