Queries custom_score, has_parent, has_child used with only filters

I created an issue about not being able to specify filters on a lot of
levels in the query DSL:

So for instance this has_parent filter:
"has_parent": {
"type": "accos",
"query": {
"filtered": {
"filter": {
"term": {
"locationCode": "0512"

This is very verbose and could (in theory) be specified like this:
"has_parent": {
"type": "accos",
"filter": {
"term": {
"locationCode": "0512"

Being a filter itself, the has_parent filter now takes a query, which seems

For query's has_child, has_parent and custom_score, I also see myself doing
this. For example:

"query": {
"filtered": {
"query": {
"has_child": {
"type": "prices",
"score_type": "max",
"query": {
"custom_score": {
"script": "-doc['pricePerPerson'].value",
"query": {
"filtered": {
"filter": {
"term": {
"careType": "LO"
"filter": {
"term": {
"locationCode": "0512"

The custom score query doesn't use _score in the script field, and to be
able to use caching I want a filter, so I have to use a filtered query.
This could have been written (again, in theory) like this:

"query": {
"filtered": {
"query": {
"has_child": {
"type": "prices",
"score_type": "max",
"query": {
"custom_score": {
"script": "-doc['pricePerPerson'].value",
"filter": {
"term": {
"careType": "LO"
"filter": {
"term": {
"locationCode": "0512"

In fact, I think this could be applied to lots of query types that only
take a query parameter now.

Are there any (possibly technical) things I'm missing?


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