Query ES -combine exists with term query

Hi all,
I trying to get the latest row that has the field "inventory", but I also want to filter it with specific ip:
something like that:

GET discovery/hosts/_search { "_source": [ "inventory" ], "query": { "query": { "term": { "ip_address": "" }, "exists": { "field": "inventory" } } }, "sort": { "timestamp": "desc" }, "size": 1 }

it doesnt work, however if I query with only the term ot the exists (without the other), it works. I get the data differently so I assume that's why it doesnt work together because there's something I'm missing.

an idea how can I get all rows with that IP which has the "inventory" field (not null)?


Got it :slight_smile:

GET discovery/hosts/_search { "_source": [ "inventory", "nmap.ostype", "nmap.product" ], "query": { "bool": { "must": [ { "term": { "ip_address": "" } }, { "exists": { "field": "inventory" } } ] } }, "sort": { "timestamp": "desc" }, "size": 1 }

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