Query filtering based on one element in an array of nested elements

Hello everyone!

Been grappling this issue for a couple of days now and cannot find a way out of it. I'm using C# and NEST but the issue is in my filtration.
I have a product with nested prices array for each different price groups. I want to be able to get Min, Max and Avg aggregations but only based on the object from the nested list which is in the current price group.

The following code returns a valid response but the Min, Max and Avg values returned analyze all the prices in the price groups instead of just the one that matches. This leads me to believe that the issue is somewhere in a filtered query.

This is what the mapping looks like:
"_index": "products_da-dk",
"_type": "productbase",
"_id": "320",
"_version": 2,
"_score": 1,
"_source": {

"id": 320,
"sku": "1456",
"variantSku": "1364",
"productId": "320",
"productPrices": { 
"priceForPriceGroups": [
        "priceGroupName": "PriceGroup1",
        "currency": "DKK",
        "price": 124.5,
        "priceWithVAT": 155.625,
        "priceWithoutVAT": 124.5,
        "priceBeforeDiscount": 124.5,
        "vATValue": 31.125,
        "priceGroupVATPercentage": 25
        "priceGroupName": "PriceGroup10",
        "currency": "GBP",
        "price": 5.39,
        "priceWithVAT": 6.7375,
        "priceWithoutVAT": 5.39,
        "priceBeforeDiscount": 5.39,
        "vATValue": 1.3475,
        "priceGroupVATPercentage": 25

And this is the C# code I am using to get the Aggregations.

return new SearchDescriptor<ProductBase>()
             .Aggregations(ag => ag
                 .Terms("categories", t => t
                    .Field(p => p.Categories.Suffix("name").Suffix("keyword"))
                 .Terms("certificates", term => term
                     .Field(field => field.Certificates.Suffix("keyword")))
                 .Terms("contents", term => term
                     .Field(field => field.Contents.Suffix("keyword")))
                 .Terms("type", term => term
                     .Field(field => field.Properties["Type"].Suffix("keyword")))
                 .Terms("function", term => term
                     .Field(field => field.Properties["Function"].Suffix("keyword")))
                    .Filter("filterPriceGroup", filter => filter
                        .Filter(f => f
                            .Term(t => t
                                .Field(field => field.ProductPrices.PriceForPriceGroups.Suffix("priceGroupName").Suffix("keyword"))
                   .Aggregations( agg => agg
                                        .Min("min", st => st
                                        .Max("max", st => st
                                        .Average("avg", st => st
                                        .Range("price", ra => ra
                                                r => r.From(min).To(avg),
                                                r => r.From(avg).To(max)))

(Just as extra context, the priceField is dynamically selected to fetch the price with or without VAT.)

Anyone has any ideas?

Is priceForPriceGroups really mapped as a nested type? Can you share the output of:

GET products_da-dk/_mapping

I suspect that priceForPriceGroups is mapped as a regular object instead of a nested type.

Your aggregations run on the entire document rather than just the priceGroup that matches your filter. You will need to remodel your data to use a nested type, and then wrap your aggregations in a nested aggregation.

Hi Abdon,

Thanks for the reply. I finally got a chance to pick the issue up again. Here is the output regarding the Product Prices bit from the query:

* "productPrices": {
  * "properties": {
    * "id": {
      * "type": "text",
      * "fields": {
        * "keyword": {
          * "type": "keyword",
          * "ignore_above": 256}}},
    * "priceForPriceGroups": {
      * "properties": {
        * "currency": {
          * "type": "text",
          * "fields": {
            * "keyword": {
              * "type": "keyword",
              * "ignore_above": 256}}},
        * "price": {
          * "type": "double"},
        * "priceBeforeDiscount": {
          * "type": "double"},
        * "priceGroupName": {
          * "type": "text",
          * "fields": {
            * "keyword": {
              * "type": "keyword",
              * "ignore_above": 256}}},
        * "priceGroupVATPercentage": {
          * "type": "integer"},
        * "priceWithVAT": {
          * "type": "double"},
        * "priceWithoutVAT": {
          * "type": "double"},
        * "productCatalogName": {
          * "type": "text",
          * "fields": {
            * "keyword": {
              * "type": "keyword",
              * "ignore_above": 256}}},
        * "vATValue": {
          * "type": "double"}}},
     "productId": {
       "type": "text",
      * "fields": {
        * "keyword": {
          * "type": "keyword",
          * "ignore_above": 256}}}}},

Changed it to nested instead. It looks like this now:

"pricesForPriceGroups": {

    "type": "nested",
    "properties": {
        "currency": {
            "type": "text",
            "fields": {
                "keyword": {
                    "type": "keyword",
                    "ignore_above": 256
        "price": {
            "type": "double"
        "priceBeforeDiscount": {
            "type": "double"
        "priceGroupName": {
            "type": "text",
            "fields": {
                "keyword": {
                    "type": "keyword",
                    "ignore_above": 256
        "priceGroupVATPercentage": {
            "type": "integer"
        "priceWithVAT": {
            "type": "double"
        "priceWithoutVAT": {
            "type": "double"
        "productCatalogName": {
            "type": "text",
            "fields": {
                "keyword": {
                    "type": "keyword",
                    "ignore_above": 256
        "vATValue": {
            "type": "double"


And I am attempting to use a nested aggregation and ensure that I am getting the data only from a single price group:

 return new SearchDescriptor<ProductBase>()
                .Aggregations(ag => ag
                    .Terms("categories", t => t
                        .Field(p => p.Categories.Suffix("name").Suffix("keyword"))
                    .Terms("certificates", term => term
                        .Field(field => field.Certificates.Suffix("keyword")))
                    .Terms("contents", term => term
                        .Field(field => field.Contents.Suffix("keyword")))
                    .Terms("type", term => term
                        .Field(field => field.Properties["Type"].Suffix("keyword")))
                    .Terms("function", term => term
                        .Field(field => field.Properties["Function"].Suffix("keyword")))
                    .Nested("nested", n => n
                         .Path(f => f.PricesForPriceGroups) 
                         .Aggregations(agg => agg
                                 .Filters("fil", fil => fil
                                    .AnonymousFilters(fi => fi
                                        .Bool(b => b
                                            .Must(m => m
                                                .Term(te => te
                                                    .Field(field => field.PricesForPriceGroups.Suffix("priceGroupName").Suffix("keyword"))
                                    .Min("min", st => st
                                          .Field(p => p.PricesForPriceGroups.Suffix("priceWithoutVAT")) ) 

But the inner aggregations are null and the values are also 0 or empty.

I also tried this:

 .Nested("nested", n => n
                         .Path(f => f.PricesForPriceGroups)
                         .Aggregations(agg => agg
                                 .Filters("fil", fil => fil
                                    .AnonymousFilters(fi => fi
                                        .Bool(b => b
                                            .Must(m => m
                                                    .Match( ma => ma
                                                    .Field( field => field.PricesForPriceGroups.Suffix("priceGroupName").Suffix("keyword"))
                                    .Min("min", st => st
                                          .Field(p => p.PricesForPriceGroups.Suffix("priceWithoutVAT")) )

But it has the same result. Any input is appreciated.

I think you are hitting a typo. The field is called pricesForPriceGroups in the mapping, but priceForPriceGroups in your sample document (there is a missing s).

Yeah, that was one of the issues. Got it work finally- turned out that the problem was that when I removed and rebuilt the index, it indexed the old property that wasn't nested as well as the new one- which was empty. Removed, re-indexed and it worked.

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