Query for X Y or Z using match

Continuing the discussion from Query (must be X) and (must (Z or Y):

Hi I built:

GET filebeat-*/log/_search
  "query": {
        "must": [
          "should" : [
            {"match" :  {"clientId": "tomer"}}
      "must": [
        {"term" : {"terminationCause": "SUCCESS"}}

The question is there a way to use "match" for multiple terms, instead of the "terms" query?
(when I simply replace terms with "match" it doesnt work


You can look at the description of match query

It corresponds to a full text query, then if you want multiple values, juste put in one match query all values you want separated with a space.

Adding the "operator" field to "and" or "or" inside the match query will decide if all terms in the query should be found or not


GET filebeat-*/log/_search
  "query": {
    "bool": {
      "must": [
          "match": {
            "clientId": "tomer john billy"

This one will retrieve document with clientId is equal to :

  • "tomer"

  • "john"

  • "billy"

      GET filebeat-*/log/_search
        "query": {
          "bool": {
            "must": [
                "match": {
                  "clientId": {
                    "query": " tomer john billy",
                    "operator": "and"

this one will retrieve documents where clientId is equal to :

  • "tomer john billy"

      GET filebeat-*/log/_search
        "query": {
          "bool": {
            "should": [
                "match": {
                  "clientId": {
                    "query": " tomer john billy"
            "minimum_should_match": 2

this one will retrieve documents where clientId is equal to :

  • "tomer john" or "john tomer"
  • "tomer billy" or "billy tomer"
  • "john billy" or "billy john"
    => The "minimum_should_match" field to 2 impose that corresponding field contains at least 2 values.

Finally, you can add a custom analyser if you wants which will split the phrase differently before searching documents.

Hope it's clear ^^'

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Thank you very much!
this was very clear

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