Query - Regexp with special characters fails when used within multiple must_not

Good day,

I am having issues when using regexp clause in my query for identifying and filtering out log messages produced by the filebeat, packetbeat, metricbeat, and auditbeat processes which contain the patterns below:


My objective is to KEEP log messages produced by other processes (such as systemd) that contain the beat name as presented in the following example:

Nov 9 17:55:56 ml-is7033-fall-2020-12 systemd[1]: Stopped Filebeat sends log files to Logstash or directly to Elasticsearch..

But I want to FILTER OUT the log messages produced by the beat agents, such as:

Nov 9 17:55:56 ml-is7033-fall-2020-12 filebeat[31087]: 2020-11-09T17:55:56.864-0600#011INFO#011crawler/crawler.go:139#011Stopping Crawler

My current code uses a wildcard but this method eliminates both of the previously mentioned log messages. I have tried to change the "must_not" clause as presented below but its response includes all log messages with the patterns I seek to remove as if it was ignoring the regex clause:

"must_not": [{
    "bool" : {
        "should" : [
            {"exists": {"field": "event.module"}},
            {"regexp": {"message.keyword": ".*filebeat\\[[0-9]{2,7}\\]\\:.*"}},
            {"regexp": {"message.keyword": ".*packetbeat\\[[0-9]{2,7}\\]\\:.*"}},
            {"regexp": {"message.keyword": ".*metricbeat\\[[0-9]{2,7}\\]\\:.*"}},
            {"regexp": {"message.keyword": ".*auditbeat\\[[0-9]{2,7}\\]\\:.*"}}

I have tried both "message" and "message.keyword" fields as well as the following patterns:


I will greatly appreciate any help.

My current code is the following:

curl -u $elastic_user:$elastic_password -XGET "*/_search?pretty&scroll=$scroll_time&size=$scroll_size" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
    "query": {
        "bool": {
            "must": [
                "query_string": {
                    "query": "host.name: ml-is7033-*",
                    "analyze_wildcard": true,
                    "time_zone": "America/Chicago"
            "must_not": [{
                "bool" : {
                    "should" : [
                        {"exists": {"field": "event.module"}},
                        {"wildcard": {"message": "*filebeat*"}},
                        {"wildcard": {"message": "*packetbeat*"}},
                        {"wildcard": {"message": "*metricbeat*"}},
                        {"wildcard": {"message": "*auditbeat*"}}
            "filter": [
                    "match": {"log.file.path":"/var/log/syslog"}
                "range": {
                    "@timestamp": {
                        "gte": "2020-11-06T18:00:00.000Z",
                        "lte": "2020-11-06T18:59:59.999Z",
                        "format": "strict_date_optional_time"
    "sort" : [{ "@timestamp" : "desc" }, { "log.offset" : "desc" }]
}' > query_response.txt
scroll_id=$(cat query_response.txt | jq -r ._scroll_id)
total_hits=$(cat query_response.txt | jq -r .hits.total.value)
cat query_response.txt | jq -r '["hostname","@timestamp","file_path","log_offset","message"], (.hits.hits[]._source | [.host.name, .["@timestamp"], .log.file.path, .log.offset, .message]) | @csv' > $(date +%F).csv
echo $scroll_id
echo $total_hits

while (( "$current_hits" >= 0 )); do
      i = $(($i + 1))
      curl -u $elastic_user:$elastic_password -XGET "$scroll_id?pretty" | jq -r '(.hits.hits[]._source | [.host.name, .["@timestamp"], .log.file.path, .log.offset, .message]) | @csv' >> sc$i.txt \
      && current_hits=$(($current_hits-$scroll_size)) \
      && echo "Remaining Documents: ${current_hits}";

Your example works for me i,e below returns only doc 1.

POST test/_doc/1
  "message":"Nov 9 17:55:56 ml-is7033-fall-2020-12 systemd[1]: Stopped Filebeat sends log files to Logstash or directly to Elasticsearch"
POST test/_doc/2
  "message":"Nov 9 17:55:56 ml-is7033-fall-2020-12 filebeat[31087]: 2020-11-09T17:55:56.864-0600#011INFO#011crawler/crawler.go:139#011Stopping Crawler"

POST test/_search
	  "must_not": [{
	"bool" : {
		"should" : [
			{"exists": {"field": "event.module"}},
			{"regexp": {"message.keyword": ".*filebeat\\[[0-9]{2,7}\\]\\:.*"}},
			{"regexp": {"message.keyword": ".*packetbeat\\[[0-9]{2,7}\\]\\:.*"}},
			{"regexp": {"message.keyword": ".*metricbeat\\[[0-9]{2,7}\\]\\:.*"}},
			{"regexp": {"message.keyword": ".*auditbeat\\[[0-9]{2,7}\\]\\:.*"}}

Might your problem be that the docs being excluded have an event.module field?
Can you distill this down to the smallest reproducible example where it doesn't work?

Good day @Mark_Harwood,

Thank you for your suggestion. In my previous post I had everything I want to filter out under a should which led to the following:

host.name: ml-is7033* AND NOT(exists:event.module) AND NOT (filebeat[####]: OR packetbeat[####]: OR metricbeat[####]: OR auditbeat[####]: )

So I checked the number of documents with the queries presented below in kibana:

29,570 hits - host.name: ml-is7033*
17,590 hits - host.name: ml-is7033* AND NOT (exists:event.module)
3,391 hits - host.name: ml-is7033* AND NOT (exists:event.module) OR NOT (filebeat OR packetbeat OR metricbeat OR auditbeat)

The final query was retried using the wildcards within the regex clauses in the terminal and ended up with 3,291 hits. A minor difference but at the moment we know that by filtering out the logs generated by the beats processes we must end up with a number around 3,400 hits which are the actual logs of interest.

After polishing my query a little bit to achieve the pseudo-query below I ended up with the one on the green block after it. Unfortunately, the regex clauses under the should clause seem to be ignored.

host.name: ml-is7033* AND NOT(exists:event.module) AND NOT (filebeat[####]: OR packetbeat[####]: OR metricbeat[####]: OR auditbeat[####]: )

Number of Hits: 17,590

curl -u $elastic_user:$elastic_password -XGET "*/_search?pretty&scroll=$scroll_time&size=$scroll_size" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
    "query": {
        "bool": {
            "must": {
                "query_string": {
                "query": "host.name: ml-is7033-*",
                "analyze_wildcard": true,
                "time_zone": "America/Chicago"
            "must_not": [{
                "bool" : {
                    "must" : [{
                        "exists": {"field": "event.module"}
                    "should" : [
                        {"regexp": {"message.keyword": ".*filebeat\\[[0-9]{2,7}\\]\\:.*"}},
                        {"regexp": {"message.keyword": ".*packetbeat\\[[0-9]{2,7}\\]\\:.*"}},
                        {"regexp": {"message.keyword": ".*metricbeat\\[[0-9]{2,7}\\]\\:.*"}},
                        {"regexp": {"message.keyword": ".*auditbeat\\[[0-9]{2,7}\\]\\:.*"}}
            "filter": {
                "range": {
                    "@timestamp": {
                        "gte": "2020-11-06T18:00:00.000Z",
                        "lte": "2020-11-06T18:59:59.999Z",
                        "format": "strict_date_optional_time"
    "sort" : [{"host.name":"asc"},{ "@timestamp" : "asc" }, { "log.offset" : "asc" }]

So I started simplifying my query as you requested and got the following results:

Number of hits: 29,570

curl -u $elastic_user:$elastic_password -XGET "*/_search?pretty&scroll=$scroll_time&size=$scroll_size" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
    "query": {
        "bool": {
            "must": {
                "query_string": {
                "query": "host.name: ml-is7033-*",
                "analyze_wildcard": true,
                "time_zone": "America/Chicago"
            "filter": {
                "range": {
                    "@timestamp": {
                        "gte": "2020-11-06T18:00:00.000Z",
                        "lte": "2020-11-06T18:59:59.999Z",
                        "format": "strict_date_optional_time"
    "sort" : [{"host.name":"asc"},{ "@timestamp" : "asc" }, { "log.offset" : "asc" }]

Number of nits: 17,590

curl -u $elastic_user:$elastic_password -XGET "*/_search?pretty&scroll=$scroll_time&size=$scroll_size" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
    "query": {
        "bool": {
            "must": {
                "query_string": {
                "query": "host.name: ml-is7033-*",
                "analyze_wildcard": true,
                "time_zone": "America/Chicago"
            "must_not": [{
                "bool" : {
                    "must" : [{
                        "exists": {"field": "event.module"}
            "filter": {
                "range": {
                    "@timestamp": {
                        "gte": "2020-11-06T18:00:00.000Z",
                        "lte": "2020-11-06T18:59:59.999Z",
                        "format": "strict_date_optional_time"
    "sort" : [{"host.name":"asc"},{ "@timestamp" : "asc" }, { "log.offset" : "asc" }]

Number of hits: 29,570

curl -u $elastic_user:$elastic_password -XGET "*/_search?pretty&scroll=$scroll_time&size=$scroll_size" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
    "query": {
        "bool": {
            "must": {
                "query_string": {
                "query": "host.name: ml-is7033-*",
                "analyze_wildcard": true,
                "time_zone": "America/Chicago"
            "must_not": [{
                "bool" : {
                    "should" : [
                        {"regexp": {"message.keyword": ".*filebeat\\[[0-9]{2,7}\\]\\:.*"}},
                        {"regexp": {"message.keyword": ".*packetbeat\\[[0-9]{2,7}\\]\\:.*"}},
                        {"regexp": {"message.keyword": ".*metricbeat\\[[0-9]{2,7}\\]\\:.*"}},
                        {"regexp": {"message.keyword": ".*auditbeat\\[[0-9]{2,7}\\]\\:.*"}}
            "filter": {
                "range": {
                    "@timestamp": {
                        "gte": "2020-11-06T18:00:00.000Z",
                        "lte": "2020-11-06T18:59:59.999Z",
                        "format": "strict_date_optional_time"
    "sort" : [{"host.name":"asc"},{ "@timestamp" : "asc" }, { "log.offset" : "asc" }]

I have put a sample of 500 logs in the following file I have uploaded to dropbox:

Please let me know if any additional ideas come up.

Sorry, I’m too short on time to poke around the data.
If you can further simplify the task to a single example doc that either does or doesn’t match an example query in the way you’d expect you’d be cutting out a lot of the detective work on our side.
Also, checkout the “explain” api - it shows why a query does or doesn’t match a particular document.

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