I'm using nodejs as the client slide to build a simple search engine with Elasticsearch
my index has the following fields
"id": "75199",
"FoodID": "123",
"FoodCode": "F123",
"FoodNumber": "F567",
"DisplayName": "food food",
"ignore-field-name": "ignore this",
"status": "Existing" or "History"
nodejs query
async function search(name) {
const { body } = await client.search({
index: INDEX_NAME,
body: {
query: {
match: {
DisplayName: {
query: name,
fuzziness: "AUTO"
How can I query field only has "Existing" text and how can I set the field names with multiple boost?for example: DisplayName^10, FoodNumber^9, something like that. Also, if I want to ignore some fields for searching, how to write it in the query.I'm so new to elasticsearch, no idea how to query it, thanks.