Query_string search with ignoring some characters

Hi all!
I have a record in index, that contains some spec characters " ", "/", "-":

"documentData" :
"refNo" : "8652 / 58996-3",
"status" : "Rejected",

How should I do query_string search if I have only "8652589963" value?

"query_string": {
"query": "(documentData.refNo: /86525[\/ -]8996[\/ -]3/)"
} - it doesn't work.

I answer myself:
"query_string": {
"query": "xmlData.refNo.keyword:/8[\.\-\\\/ ]*6[\.\-\\\/ ]*5[\.\-\\\/ ]*2[\.\-\\\/ ]*5[\.\-\\\/ ]*8[\.\-\\\/ ]*9[\.\-\\\/ ]*9[\.\-\\\/ ]*6[\.\-\\\/ ]3[\.\-\\\/ ]/"

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