Query_string with fuzzy and stammer filter works wierd

Found some strange thing with query_string and stemmer/snowball filters, can't understand how does it work and how to fix this, help me, please.

Analyzer and filter:

    'analyzer' => [
                                'stem_en' => [
                                    'tokenizer' => 'standard',
                                    'filter' => [
                                'snow_en' => [
                                    'tokenizer' => 'standard',
                                    'filter' => [
    'filter' => [
                                'stem_en' => [
                                    'type' => 'stemmer',
                                    'language' => 'english'
                                'snow_en' => [
                                    'type' => 'snowball',
                                    'language' => 'english'

Field mapping:

    'example' => [
                                'type' => 'text',
                                'fields' => [
                                    'snow' => [
                                        'type' => 'text',
                                        'analyzer' => 'snow_en'
                                    'stem' => [
                                        'type' => 'text',
                                        'analyzer' => 'stem_en'

Query 1:


      "explain": true,

      "query": {

        "query_string": {

          "fields": ["example.snow", "example.stem],

          "query": "walking~"




Result 1:


        "took": 11,

        "timed_out": false,

        "_shards": {

            "total": 1,

            "successful": 1,

            "skipped": 0,

            "failed": 0


        "hits": {

            "total": {

                "value": 0,

                "relation": "eq"


            "max_score": null,

            "hits": []



Query 2:


      "explain": true,

      "query": {

        "query_string": {

          "fields": ["example.snow", "example.stem],

          "query": "walkin~"




Result 2:


        "took": 3,

        "timed_out": false,

        "_shards": {

            "total": 1,

            "successful": 1,

            "skipped": 0,

            "failed": 0


        "hits": {

            "total": {

                "value": 1,

                "relation": "eq"


            "max_score": 1.5075798,

            "hits": [

                     "_explanation": {
                        "value": 1.5075798,
                        "description": "max of:",
                        "details": [
                                "value": 1.5075798,
                                "description": "weight(example.snow:walk in 0) [PerFieldSimilarity], result of:",
                                "details": [ ...

Why does query parser can't produce correct token "walk" from "walking~" but could do it with "walkin~"?

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