Query_string with wildcard and whitespace or dash

I have problem with creating query_string with wildcard and some special characters (whitespace, dash etc.)
I have field myText (type text), which can be pretty long. And it can contains something like this - Name : anytexthere.
When i`m looking for this text i can create query like this below, and I have correct match.

GET mylogs/_search
  "query": {
    "simple_query_string": {
      "fields": [
      "query": "(Name\\ \\:\\ anytexthere)",
      "default_operator": "AND"

But sometimes I want to do more complicated search and find all documents that match pattern like this Name : a??texthere

I tried to find it by query like this below, but it return 0 matches

GET mylogs/_search
  "query": {
    "simple_query_string": {
      "fields": [
      "query": "(Name\\ \\:\\ a??texthere)",
      "default_operator": "AND"

Could someone help me with that? I tried to set analyzer to keyword, but still the same.

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