Query to get data related to only those field returned by aggregation

I need a help on the query where I want to search by phone numbers and get latest date amount charged for that phone number
my mapping structure is as follows


I have performed a query which gives the latest date_timestamp of a particular phone number . As follows


Now how can I achieve the amount related to the date_timestamp returned by aggregation function max.

Do you really need to use an aggregation? I think it's simpler to just sort the search results on date_timestamp and ask Elasticsearch for 1 hit. That one hit will then tell you everything you want to know about the most recent transaction for a given phone number.

GET test/_search
  "size": 1,
  "query": {
    "match": {
      "phone": "1234567890"
  "sort": [
      "date_timestamp": {
        "order": "desc"

(By the way, I think date_timestamp should probably be mapped as a date?)

Hi Abdon,

I had resolved the query, the same way as you mentioned.

For sake of curiosity can we achieve the same by aggregation?

Maybe something with a top hits or a max bucket aggregation could get you to what you need.

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