Query to return a result set bounded by a fixed number of zeros (no rainfall)

I'm using ES to store rainfall data from a weather API that updates every 10 minutes. I'm trying to write a query to return a set of records where a spell of dry weather ( 30 consecutive rain values in the range of 0 to 0.2) is followed by rainfall ( values 0+) to the present time. I was hoping to use a regex, but my values are floats and the query errors.

I'm new to ElasticSearch and am hoping that someone can give me some guidance of how best to construct a query.

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What about doing it with a Watch, eg examples/Alerting/Sample Watches/system_fails_to_provide_data at master · elastic/examples · GitHub

Thanks Mark for the GitHub link! I'll read up on the ES docs as well about Watches.


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Hi Mark, using a Watcher requires a non basic licence. I'm developing a product for research and community use and need to avoid unnecessary costs. Could you suggest another solution?

Many thanks

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