Querying attachment arrays [ingest mapper plugin]


In this example, how can I search the nested attachments? A simple example would be super helpful.

I am trying something like this but getting a nested object error:

  "query": {
    "bool": {
      "must": [
          "nested": {
            "path": "attachments",
            "query": {
              "bool": {
                "must": [
                    "match": {
                      "attachments.content": "search text"


You ought to be able to pull a document containing an attachment to see the actual structure.

GET http://yourElasticSearchURL:9200/index/type/ID

What I think may be going on is that the ingest plugin actually creates another nested object inside your attachments object.

So, your match statement would need to be:
"attachments.attachment.content": "search text"

Does that make sense?

That doesn't work :confused:

Can you post a document you pull from your index? That would help in determining what the actual structure is and what the query needs to look like.

Here's a document:

    "_index": "localhost-1",
    "_type": "post",
    "_id": "496",
    "_score": 1,
    "_source": {
        "comment_count": 0,
        "post_title": ".....",
        "post_author": {
            "raw": "admin",
            "id": 1,
            "login": "admin",
            "display_name": "admin"
        "menu_order": 0,
        "attachments": [
                "data": "........",
                "attachment": {
                    "date": "2017-01-05T18:47:15Z",
                    "content_type": "application/pdf",
                    "author": "....",
                    "language": "en",
                    "content": "........",
                    "content_length": 3373
        "post_excerpt": "",
        "post_mime_type": "application/pdf",
        "post_name": "......",
        "terms": [],
        "post_modified": "2017-02-07 14:55:06",
        "post_type": "attachment",
        "ID": 496,
        "post_status": "inherit",
        "post_meta": [],
        "date_terms": {
            "week": 6,
            "dayofweek_iso": 2,
            "month": 2,
            "hour": 14,
            "year": 2017,
            "dayofweek": 2,
            "day": 7,
            "m": 201702,
            "dayofyear": 37,
            "minute": 55,
            "second": 6
        "post_date_gmt": "2017-02-07 14:55:06",
        "post_modified_gmt": "2017-02-07 14:55:06",
        "comment_status": 0,
        "post_parent": 493,
        "post_content": "....",
        "ping_status": 0,
        "post_id": 496,
        "post_date": "2017-02-07 14:55:06",
        "meta": [],
        "guid": "...",
        "permalink": "..."

Given that I'm getting the error "[nested] nested object under path [attachments] is not of nested type", it seems like a nested query is completely wrong.

Ah - I'm a bit slow (and really new to elasticSearch). I think you're right.

Did you explicitly set a mapping for this index/type? And did you define your attachments property as a nested object? If not, that would be why the nested query is not happy.

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