Querying with fields="*" to get all fields

Hi all,

According to http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/reference/api/search/fields.html,
using fields="*" with my search query should return all stored fields
for each search hit. Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to work on our
ES cluster.

Here is an example from search.elasticsearch.org:
hits: [
_index: "elastic-search-website"
_type: "guide"
_id: "guide___reference___api___admin-indices-flush"
_score: 1
_index: "elastic-search-website"
_type: "guide"
_id: "guide___reference___api___admin-indices-get-settings"
_score: 1

If I use a valid field in the query, things work as expected:
hits: [
_index: "elastic-search-website"
_type: "guide"
_id: "guide___reference___api___admin-indices-flush"
_score: 1
-fields: {
title: "Flush API"
_index: "elastic-search-website"
_type: "guide"
_id: "guide___reference___api___admin-indices-get-settings"
_score: 1
-fields: {
title: "Get Settings API"

Is there something I'm doing incorrectly? If not, could this be a

I'm hoping there's a really simple answer to this problem. I've
searched around and haven't found anything. I don't think I'm doing
anything obviously wrong.

Thanks in advance,

The content of the message has not been downloaded yet.

i am also stugling with the same point, i need to get all the fields in a search doc using query.... if possible please guide me to get the result.
