Question about creating custom rivers

I found the concept of rivers interesting, so I decided to implement
my own out of curiosity. The goal is to index JSON documents returned
from an HTML 5 WebSocket. My issue is very likely a naming issue, I
am formatting my code around the existing river plugins.

Please forgive me, but the code is in Scala. It still should be very
readable (if not more so :slight_smile: )


class SimpleWebsocketRiverPlugin @Inject() extends AbstractPlugin {
def name() = {

def description() = {
    "River Simple Websocket Plugin";


class SimpleWebsocketRiverModule extends AbstractModule {
override def configure() = {


The actual River declaration is:
class SimpleWebsocketRiver @Inject()(riverName: RiverName,
riverSettings: RiverSettings, client: Client) extends
AbstractRiverComponent(riverName, riverSettings) with River

I am able to bundle the code as a zip file and install as a plugin:
./bin/plugin url file:/// install simplewebsocket

ElasticSearch starts off fine:
[2011-02-21 18:03:04,210][INFO ][plugins ] [Gideon,
Gregory] loaded [river-simplewebsocket]

Attempting to create a new river results in an error:

curl -XPUT localhost:9200/_river/test_river/_meta -d '
"type" : "simplewebsocket"
[2011-02-21 18:05:51,509][WARN ][river ] [Gideon,
Gregory] failed to create river [simplewebsocket][test_river]
org.elasticsearch.common.settings.NoClassSettingsException: Failed to
load class with value [simplewebsocket]

I am assuming that I simply did not name something correctly. What am
I missing?

Thanks in advance,

Found my own answer by digging through the source code. For those
that are interested, you must either declare the entire classname in
the "type" field of the _meta or your module must belong to the
org.elasticsearch.river package.

Works like a charm.

Heya, gerat your found it!. Using the class name as the river is not that nice..., pushed an improvement to that: Allow to register custom rivers under a custom type name (And not full class names) · Issue #712 · elastic/elasticsearch · GitHub.
On Tuesday, February 22, 2011 at 6:04 AM, Ivan Brusic wrote:

Found my own answer by digging through the source code. For those
that are interested, you must either declare the entire classname in
the "type" field of the _meta or your module must belong to the
org.elasticsearch.river package.

Works like a charm.