Question About search in Kibana

Hello everyone, I have something looking as a trouble in my Kibana, so I need to ask about searching in Kibana.
I want to make search by ip in Kibana search string, I have "destination.ip" field in IP format and "destinationip" field in string format:


First field was added to index pattern that I uploaded to elastic by curl -X POST, and second appeared when I added data to elastic, but it hasn't field in index pattern
If I try search ip in search string I recieve next null result:

If I search as "destinationip:[IP]" I recieve this not null result:

If I search as "destination.ip:[IP]" I recieve this not null result:

So, my question is: Is it possible to make search typing ONLY ip addres in search string, without any keywords? If yes, what I should do? If I add "destinationip" in index pattern and put it in to elastic by curl POST command I will be able to make search this way?
For example it's works for event.type string field that added to index pattern :

"destinationip" string field too, but this type of search doesn't work for it, maybe because it not added to index pattern

If the field doesn't exist in the index pattern even after clicking "Refresh" then the mapping of the field mapping does not enable the value to be searched.

Check the mapping of the field in Elasticsearch. See enabled | Elasticsearch Guide [8.11] | Elastic

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