A quick basic question to the community.
I have one three node Elasticsearch cluster (version 7.6.2) which was setup using the official Ansible role GitHub - elastic/ansible-elasticsearch: Ansible playbook for Elasticsearch
As it's near to EOL, we need to upgrade the version to the latest stable one (7.14 now).
I went through the upgrade steps in ansible-elasticsearch/multi-instance.md at master · elastic/ansible-elasticsearch · GitHub and was check the steps for "Procedure without data move"
I am little bit confused on that step.
Can I do the following steps?
Way 1
- Upgrade the role (ansible-galaxy install --force elastic.elasticsearch,7.14)
- Run playbook without any existing configuration changes.
Way 2
- Do a rolling update manually by following Rolling upgrades | Elasticsearch Guide [7.14] | Elastic
- Upgrade the role (ansible-galaxy install --force elastic.elasticsearch,7.14) in Ansible
Will the way 2 cause any issues for the next playbook run?
Please help me on this.