Rally 0.4.7 released

We've just released Rally 0.4.7.

How to...?

  • ... upgrade: pip3 install --upgrade esrally
  • ... install: pip3 install esrally

Note: Depending on your system setup you probably need to prepend these commands with sudo.

Please follow the quickstart for a first time install though.


The changelog contains the complete list of changes.

All users are recommended to upgrade to this version.


Note: This is only relevant if you define your own tracks.

As you can now define meta-data in tracks, the track format changes slightly. Previously, you specified the properties description, short-description and data-url in a meta element. You need to define these properties now on the top-level structure of a track.

Before (now deprecated):

    "meta": {
        "description": "This is an example track that ....",
        "short-description": "Example track",
        "data-url": "https://example.org/corpora/example-track"

You should change this to:

    "description": "This is an example track that ....",
    "short-description": "Example track",
    "data-url": "https://example.org/corpora/example-track"

Rally will also issue warnings if you run an affected track, e.g.:

Track 'my-custom-track' uses deprecated syntax: The element 'description' is contained in a meta-block. Please move this element to the top-level.
Track 'my-custom-track' uses deprecated syntax: The element 'short-description' is contained in a meta-block. Please move this element to the top-level.

Breaking Changes

We will remove the "tiny" track next week as it was never meant as a proper track but only for integration testing in Rally. As a reminder, it is possible to run any track with the flag --test-mode, e.g.:

esrally --distribution-version=5.0.0 --track=geonames --test-mode

This mode is experimental and at the moment only meant for development. Hence it is (intentionally) not well documented. Should you develop your own tracks and be interested in it, please create a discussion topic and we'll see how to proceed based on your interest.

What's next?

We are currently working hard on remote-provisioning of single node Elasticsearch instances which will be released in the next planned release 0.5.0. After that we will expand remote provisioning capabilities to multi-node clusters.

Questions and Feedback

If you have questions or feedback, please just post in the Rally forum.