Range Query in Elasticsearch Doesn't Filter on Certain Number Fields

I'm running the following query against my ES instance 5.4. My year range and postal code works great, but as soon as I add in the price or millage range, it returns zero results. Here's the cURL statement (I converted it as I'm running the ES PHP library, so my syntax may be off here).

Additionally, I've also moved the price & milage to a filter bool with no tangible results. This query was working once upon a time, but after re-importing my data, it no longer did. So, maybe it's possible I changed the type of those two fields?

In my ES instance I have a Suzuki that match this criterial.

curl -XGET 'localhost:9200/_search?pretty' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
    "query" : {
        "bool" : {
            "must" : {
                {"query_string" : {
                    "query" : "suzuki",
                    "fields" : {"keywords", "description", "title"}
                {"range" : {
                    "year.keyword" : {
                        "gte" : 2010,
                        "lte" : 1980
                {"range" : {
                    "price.keyword" : {
                        "gte" : 0,
                        "lte" : 10000
                {"range" : {
                    "mileage.keyword" : {
                        "gte" : 0,
                        "lte" : 100000
                {"terms" : {
                    "postal.keyword" : 57013
    "highlight" : {
        "fields" : {
            "*" : { "force_source" : "true", "fragment_size" : 250 }
    "sort" : {
        "price.keyword" : { "order" : "asc", "mode" : "min" }

Here is the Suzuki ES record (some of this has been scrubbed):

_source: {
index: "",
type: "",
keywords: "2009 Suzuki Sx4 Crossover AWD Crossover 4dr 4A",
description: "2009 Suzuki SX4 Crossover AWD Crossover 4dr 4A",
title: "2009 Suzuki Sx4 Crossover AWD Crossover 4dr 4A,
postal: "57013",
price: "5600",
year: "2009",
make: "Suzuki",
model: "sx4",
mileage: "93012",
engine: "2.0L I4",
transmission: "Automatic",
trim: "AWD Crossover 4dr ",
date_added: "2017-10-01 01:48:36",
date_updated: "2017-10-01 01:48:36"

It looks like the numeric fields might be mapped as text instead of numbers. Can you share the mappings for these fields? If this is the case, range will be based on string sorting, where “5600” > “10000”.

Sorry about the formatting.

    us-transportation: {
    mappings: {
    transportation: {
    properties: {
    address: {
    type: "text",
    fields: {
    keyword: {
    type: "keyword",
    ignore_above: 256
    body: {
    type: "text",
    fields: {
    keyword: {
    type: "keyword",
    ignore_above: 256
    date_added: {
    type: "text",
    fields: {
    keyword: {
    type: "keyword",
    ignore_above: 256
    date_updated: {
    type: "text",
    fields: {
    keyword: {
    type: "keyword",
    ignore_above: 256
    description: {
    type: "text",
    fields: {
    keyword: {
    type: "keyword",
    ignore_above: 256
    engine: {
    type: "text",
    fields: {
    keyword: {
    type: "keyword",
    ignore_above: 256
    image: {
    type: "text",
    fields: {
    keyword: {
    type: "keyword",
    ignore_above: 256
    index: {
    type: "text",
    fields: {
    keyword: {
    type: "keyword",
    ignore_above: 256
    keywords: {
    type: "text",
    fields: {
    keyword: {
    type: "keyword",
    ignore_above: 256
    make: {
    type: "text",
    fields: {
    keyword: {
    type: "keyword",
    ignore_above: 256
    mileage: {
    type: "text",
    fields: {
    keyword: {
    type: "keyword",
    ignore_above: 256
    model: {
    type: "text",
    fields: {
    keyword: {
    type: "keyword",
    ignore_above: 256
    postal: {
    type: "text",
    fields: {
    keyword: {
    type: "keyword",
    ignore_above: 256
    price: {
    type: "text",
    fields: {
    keyword: {
    type: "keyword",
    ignore_above: 256
    title: {
    type: "text",
    fields: {
    keyword: {
    type: "keyword",
    ignore_above: 256
    transmission: {
    type: "text",
    fields: {
    keyword: {
    type: "keyword",
    ignore_above: 256
    trim: {
    type: "text",
    fields: {
    keyword: {
    type: "keyword",
    ignore_above: 256
    vin: {
    type: "boolean"
    year: {
    type: "text",
    fields: {
    keyword: {
    type: "keyword",
    ignore_above: 256

That seem to be the case. You will need to reindex your data with corrected mappings to resolve this problem.

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Gotcha - so the items I need to sort off of need to be numeric instead of text. Thank you!

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