Range value type int or float,result different

1.range value type float
GET /shops/baseShops/_search?_source=true&size=10


2.range value type int
GET /shops/baseShops/_search?_source=true&size=10
three data

why like this result different,they are all number???

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What is your mapping?

i do not set mapping for "out_date" field, value is int(time stamp) or null

What is your mapping?

GET shops/_mapping

GET /shops/_mapping

"out_date": {
"type": "text",
"fields": {
"keyword": {
"type": "keyword",
"ignore_above": 256
this type is wrong,I am not statement field type,this type is first time save value type........

Your out_date field is of type string, probably because when you send documents to ES your data is double quoted and hence ES detects it as a string.

If you want to do range queries properly, you'll need to change the type of that field to

"out_date": {
    "type": "date"

or at least

"out_date": {
    "type": "long"

this field not statement field type,this type is first time save value type........

why when I set
the result is right

That's a coincidence, try this query and you'll see what I'm talking about


range queries also work on string, however, the order is not numerical but lexicographical, i.e. 16 > 1516291200

Thank you very much.

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