Ratio per Client


In order to have the ratio Demand Done /Total Demand per provider, I have looked at the bucket aggregations.
Therefore, I have two question :

1- Can someone, help me for the aggregation script? I tried the script below but It don't work.
2- How can I manage to have the result of the ratio per provider in Kibana?

Thank you for the help.

> POST logs-/hr/_search
> {
>   "size": 0,
>   "aggs": {
>     "ratio_per_provider": {
>       "terms": {
>         "field": "provider.keyword",
>         "size": 10
>       },
>       "aggs": {
>         "nb_demand": {
>           "value_count": {
>             "field": "DemandId.keyword"
>           }
>         },
>         "nb_executedDemand": {
>           "filter": {
>             "term": {
>               "Executed": "TRUE"
>             }
>           },
>           "aggs": {
>             "exedemand": {
>               "value_count": {
>                 "field": "DemandId.keyword"
>               }
>             }
>           }
>         },
>         "ratio-percentage": {
>           "bucket_script": {
>             "buckets_path": {
>               "tExeDemand": "nb_executedDemand>exedemand",
>               "totalDemand": "nb_demand"
>             },
>             "script": "params.tExeDemand / params.totalDemand * 100"
>           }
>         }
>       }
>     }
>   }
> }

can someone help me on this issue please?

What error did you get? Skimming the agg, your syntax looks correct (but I may be missing something)

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