RDBMS Query transforms to Elasticsearch Query DSL


I wanted to transform the RDBMS query into elasticsearch query DSL. So the RDBMS query is like below:

sum(1) where <art1> = TODAY() and <atr2> = ’K’ and  <atr3> <> 0 and <atr4> = 0

And I have transformed that above query into Query DSL like below:

GET /test-*/_count
               "query": {
                "bool": {
                   "must": [
                     "range": {
                        "atr1": {
                            "gte": "2022-09-22T00:00:00",
                            "lte": "2022-09-22T23:59:59"
                "match": {
                  "atr2": "K"
               "query_string": {
                 "query": "NOT (atr3: 0)"
               "match": {
                  "atr4": "0"


Is that Query DSL equivalent to RDBMS query? Have I transformed it correctly?
I am very new to this Query DSL. Can anyone help me to understand?

@stephenb , can you please check?

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