Right. I'll just go down the HTTP route. It shouldn't be too slow.
The reason I need to change the stop words is for term facets. I'd wager they will require a re-index.
On 07/07/2010, at 5:12 PM, Shay Banon wrote:
A simple thing that can improve the indexing performance without doing java would be to use the memcached protocol, which have shown to be faster. But I would also say measure first before you say that the HTTP is too slow. It might be good enough, especially if you fork the indexing into several processes / threads (for example, by executing a search which segments the data using a filter for each filter / thread).
Regarding adding stopwords without reindexing, if you change them, they will only be applied to feature indexing and search requests (which might be enough for you, especially on the search side).
On Wed, Jul 7, 2010 at 5:16 AM, Andrew Harvey <Andrew.Harvey@lexer.com.aumailto:Andrew.Harvey@lexer.com.au> wrote:
Hi All,
I'm wondering what re-index strategies you guys are using with elasticsearch.
I primarily interact with ES through the REST api, and my java-fu is not exactly strong, but I'm not exactly keen on the overhead required by pulling all my docs out via HTTP and putting them back in via HTTP. Is there a better way, or should I just bite the bullet and do a scrolled search to re-index all my documents?
Why am I re-indexing you might ask? I need to add stopwords to my analyser, and I'm fairly sure that's going to require a re-index, but I'm willing to be proven wrong.
Any help would be most appreciated.
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