Reference variable in grok match pattern

I define fields in filebeat.yml as below:

    - /var/log/*-*/a-b-c.log*
  document_type: ...
  enabled: true
    serviceNam: a-b-c
    - /var/log/*-*/d-e-f.log*
  document_type: ...
  enabled: true
    serviceName: d-e-f

I want to use fields.serviceName in grok match pattern, e.g. when input is

... 123-bar-baz-a-b-c ...
... 456-foo-d-e-f ...

I want to match "123-bar-baz" and "456-foo" to a field. Both parts (e.g. 456-foo and d-e-f) can contain an arbitrary number of dashes, or any other characters but no spaces, and I always know (pass in via fielebeat.yml fields) the second half of the string (i.e. a-b-c and d-e-f in this example). The first part of the string (which I want to match) may or may not start with a number.

How can reference "fields.serviceName" in a grok match pattern? I tried a number of ways to no avail so far. E.g.


Instead of %{[fields][serviceName]} I also tried %{fields.serviceName}, %{serviceName} I also tried to mutate { add_field => {} } before grok match then reference the added field but nothing worked the way I need. Please advise.

You cannot use a sprintf reference in a grok pattern. You would have to use a ruby filter and then do a match (or scan) against the value of the string.

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