Reg ex not working for templates


I have a scenario where there are three types of indices are formed

  1. 12sfds-1312b-hjhbj-hbj22-2018.08.30-logs
  2. 12sfds-1312b-hjhbj-hbj22-2018.08.30-10
  3. 12sfds-1312b-hjhbj-hbj22-2018.08.30

I have certain set of index templates to be executed on index type 1 and certain set of templates on index type 2 and 3

But the issue am facing is for type 1 i can specify template as reg ex *-logs

but for 2nd and 3rd type i have to say any index which doesn't end with logs for which i have used below reg exp and it doesn't work


log says ? and * is not allowed. Any help on configuring this reg exp?

I am using elastic search 2.4

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