Hi! I tried _reindex to reindex logs-2016-11.* to logs-2016-11.
I expected about 9 000 000 docs to be in the resulting index.
Then I did a _cat/indices/logs-2016-11?v
And I see that the index contains about half of the documents, and the other half seem to be represented in the 'docs.deleted' column.
I assume this is because clashing ID's. Also when I inspected the reindex task, I saw a lot of docs were being deleted and only a few created.
So does this mean that the daily indices in logs-2016-11-* can have clashing ID's and therefor the reindex operation is just updating documents with the same ID?
In that case - how do I tell Elasticsearch to reindex them but with new ID's?
I tried:
{ "size": 10, "source": { "index": ["logs-2016-11-*"], "_source": [<list of properties I want to keep EXCLUDING _id>] }, "dest": { "index": "tesssssst" } }
And I also tried to use a script:
script: "ctx.source._id = null"
Then I got a null pointer exception.
Please advise!