I am seeing the following errors when trying to reindex all of my 2016 indexes to get rid of fields with dots in them so I can upgrade to Elasticsearch 2.x. I am seeing ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException errors if I do all of 2016 (logstash-2016.*
) or a single month of indexes (logstash-2016.01.*
) with logstash and Elasticsearch 1.7.5.
Here are the two kinds of errors that are kicked out.
A plugin had an unrecoverable error. Will restart this plugin.
Plugin: <LogStash::Inputs::Elasticsearch hosts=>["lame-02"], index=>"logstash-2016.*", size=>10, scroll=>"5m", docinfo=>true, scan=>true, codec=><LogS
tash::Codecs::JSON charset=>"UTF-8">, query=>"{\"query\": { \"match_all\": {} } }", docinfo_target=>"@metadata", docinfo_fields=>["_index", "_type", "_i
d"], ssl=>false>
Error: [500] {"error":"ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException[null]","status":500} {:level=>:error}
A plugin had an unrecoverable error. Will restart this plugin.
Plugin: <LogStash::Inputs::Elasticsearch hosts=>["lame-02"], index=>"logstash-2016.*", size=>10, scroll=>"5m", docinfo=>true, scan=>true, codec=><LogS
tash::Codecs::JSON charset=>"UTF-8">, query=>"{\"query\": { \"match_all\": {} } }", docinfo_target=>"@metadata", docinfo_fields=>["_index", "_type", "_i
d"], ssl=>false>
Error: [500] {"error":"ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException[-131071]","status":500} {:level=>:error}
and here is the config I am using with Logstash 2.2.2:
input {
elasticsearch {
hosts => "client-02"
index => "logstash-2016.01.*"
size => 1000
scroll => "5m"
docinfo => true
scan => true
filter {
metrics {
meter => "events"
add_tag => "metric"
flush_interval => 10
output {
if "metric" in [tags] {
stdout {
codec => line {
format => "count: %{[events][count]} rate: %{[events][rate_1m]}"
} else {
elasticsearch {
hosts => "localhost"
index => "%{[@metadata][_index]}"
document_type => "%{[@metadata][_type]}"
document_id => "%{[@metadata][_id]}"
flush_size => 250
idle_flush_time => 10
workers => 4
I was able to reindex logstash-2015.*
which only had 66 total indexes and 179323407 documents with the same config without issue. The logstash-2016.*
index total is 97 and has 262633593 documents. Trying a single month in 2016 (logstash-2016.01.*)
which has 31 indexes and 81231923 documents results in the same kind of errors. I also tried dropping the size down from 1000 to 100 and the error persisted. I can reindex a single 2016 month at a time but that is going to be a slow process.
Searching around I see that this error might be related https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch/issues/7926 but it seems like that was fixed already. Any help on tracking down this issue is greatly appreciated.