Relevant data not coming in elasticsearch

I am building a search with edge ngram.

Here is my mapping:

PUT xyz
"settings": {
    "analysis": {
      "filter": {
		"autocomplete": {
          "type": "edge_ngram",
          "min_gram": 2,
          "max_gram": 15,
          "token_chars": [
      "analyzer": {
		"autocomplete_search": {
          "tokenizer": "standard",
		  "type": "custom",
          "filter": [ "autocomplete","lowercase" ]

    "mappings" : {
      "properties" : {
        "codevalue" : {
          "type" : "text",
		  "analyzer": "autocomplete_search"

My search query is

GET xyz/_search
{ "_source": "codevalue", 
    "match": {
      "codevalue": {
        "query": "CP 12"

Result is:

{"codevalue" : "CP 12"},
{"codevalue" : "DP 12"},
{"codevalue" : "CP 11315 : Part 12"},
{"codevalue" : "CP 11777 : Part 12"},
{"codevalue" : "CP 13557 : Part 12"},
{"codevalue" : "CP 228 : Part 12"},
{"codevalue" : "CP 3025 : Part 12"},
{"codevalue" : "CP 5347 : Part 12"},
{"codevalue" : "CP 13109 : Part 12"},
{"codevalue" : "CP 3842 : Part 12"}

I want to get like

"codevalue": "CP 12"
"codevalue": "CP 125"
"codevalue": "CP 12...."


You are using the standard analyzer which breaks into tokens on white space. Any term that starts with CP or 12 will therefore match. I would recommend using the analyze API to see exactly what is indexed.

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