RemoteTransportException when tring to index with Elasticsearch in Rails using Tire gem

I have started Elasticsearch on a server which I am trying to connect to my
Rails app. I am able to access ES via curl, however cannot create an index.
'Projects' is the name of my model.


require 'tire'
Tire.configure { url "http://[Server IP]:9200" }

Index command output:

[IMPORT] Deleting index 'projects'
# 2013-07-05 10:52:44:309 [DELETE] ("projects")
curl -X DELETE http://[Server IP]:9200/projects

# 2013-07-05 10:52:44:314 [404]
# {"error":"IndexMissingException[[projects] missing]","status":404}

# 2013-07-05 10:52:44:327 [HEAD] ("projects")
curl -I "http://[Server IP]:9200/projects"

# 2013-07-05 10:52:44:327 [404]

[IMPORT] Creating index 'projects' with mapping:
# 2013-07-05 10:52:44:394 [CREATE] ("projects")
curl -X POST http://[Server IP]:9200/projects -d 


# 2013-07-05 10:52:44:394 [500]
# {"error":"RemoteTransportException[Failed to deserialize exception 

response from stream]; nested: TransportSerializationException[Failed to
deserialize exception response from stream]; nested:
StreamCorruptedException[unexpected end of block data]; ","status":500}

[ERROR] There has been an error when creating the index -- 

Elasticsearch returned:
500 : {"error":"RemoteTransportException[Failed to deserialize
exception response from stream]; nested:
TransportSerializationException[Failed to deserialize exception response
from stream]; nested: StreamCorruptedException[unexpected end of block
data]; ","status":500}

Has anyone else run into this error? ES is on a separate server and I am
simply trying to use it for searching in development mode at the moment.
Any help is appreciated.

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