Hey, I will try again to explaiin what I want to do. So I have the database in elasticsearch witch name is projectsaduneo. I have also one project with the id is : 179508 with the différents fields like : code, label, entityId, ..., and projet-line (which is an array objects with the différents fields : activityId, activityValue, ..., typeValue).
"took": 14,
"timed_out": false,
"_shards": {
"total": 5,
"successful": 5,
"skipped": 0,
"failed": 0
"hits": {
"total": 2,
"max_score": 1,
"hits": [
"_index": "projectsaduneo",
"_type": "doc",
"_id": "179508",
"_score": 1,
"_source": {
"id": 179508,
"code": "Dashboards automatisés -00237",
"label": "Dashboards automatisés ",
"entityId": "150989",
"entityValue": "150989",
"projectManagerId": "171007",
"projectManagerValue": "mfehrenbacher",
"opportunityManagerId": "171074",
"opportunityManagerValue": "gestion",
"currentPosition": "-100",
"projectInProgress": "false",
"projectOutOfDate": "true",
"realStartDate": "2017-12-21T00:00:00",
"realEndDate": "2018-05-11T00:00:00",
"currentDate": "2018-05-17",
"projet-line": [
"activityId": 347824,
"activityValue": "Configuration avec Kibana",
"employeeProfileId": 171175,
"employeeProfileValue": "Développeur back",
"typeId": 170476,
"typeValue": "Temps"
"activityId": 347822,
"activityValue": "Dashboards automatisés à Suppirmer",
"employeeProfileId": 171175,
"employeeProfileValue": "Développeur back",
"typeId": 170476,
"typeValue": "Temps"
"activityId": 347825,
"activityValue": "Génération de fichiers Excel",
"employeeProfileId": 171175,
"employeeProfileValue": "Développeur back",
"typeId": 170476,
"typeValue": "Temps"
"activityId": 347823,
"activityValue": "Interfacage avec Everwin",
"employeeProfileId": 171175,
"employeeProfileValue": "Développeur back",
"typeId": 170476,
"typeValue": "Temps"
So now, I vould like to remove one of my objects in the fields "projet-line", I chose this one :
"activityId": 347823,
"activityValue": "Interfacage avec Everwin",
"employeeProfileId": 171175,
"employeeProfileValue": "Développeur back",
"typeId": 170476,
"typeValue": "Temps"
but I don't know how I can access in this object to remove this. For remove my project I use this request :
http://localhost:9200/projectsaduneo/_bulk(with the POST method) :
Now Iwant remove object that I wrote before. Can you give me an advice to delete him ?
I hope that I was clear in my explanation.
Thanks for yuor answer !