Request failed with a 400 error. [x_content_parse_exception] Failed to build [xpack/rollup/jobconfig] after last required field arrived

Dear all, I am facing issues creating a rollup job for big indexes. While saving it gives me a exception "Request failed with a 400 error. [x_content_parse_exception] Failed to build [xpack/rollup/jobconfig] after last required field arrived".

Please help in this case.

PUT _rollup/job/singleapp-nginx-rolled
"id": "singleapp-nginx-rolled",
"index_pattern": "singleapp-nginx-*",
"rollup_index": "singleapp-nginx-rolled",
"cron": "0 20 * * * 0",
"page_size": 1000,
"groups": {
"date_histogram": {
"interval": "60m",
"delay": "1d",
"time_zone": "UTC",
"field": "@timestamp"
"terms": {
"fields": [
"metrics": [
"field": "@timestamp",
"metrics": [

Do you happen to have a full stack trace? You can enable stack traces and then paste the output here.


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