Request for help/direction to create node certificates/keys using own CA certificates in place

Hi All,

We have our OWN CA certificates namely:


With this we would like to create new Elasticsearch node certificates where we could not find any resource online for it.

I am new to security so let us know on how we could proceed further on this.

Elasticsearch version: 6.3.0

Thanks in advance!

The doc page has a reference for all of the parameters.
elasticsearch-certutil | Elasticsearch Guide [8.4] | Elastic.

For an example, I used the doc to create certs for a root CA and two nodes. If you already have a root CA and issuing CA, jump to the nodes part and use your issuing CA cert and private key.

Create self-signed root CA cert

echo ""             | bin/elasticsearch-certutil ca   --pem --days 7320 --keysize 3072 --ca-dn   CN=cluster1-ca        --pass cluster1-ca
mv ca cluster1-ca

Create end entity certs for Transport protocol, signed by the above CA

echo "" | bin/elasticsearch-certutil cert --pem --days 398  --keysize 2048 --ca-cert cluster1-ca/ca.crt --ca-pass cluster1-ca --ca-key cluster1-ca/ca.key --pass cluster1-elasticsearch1 --name cluster1-elasticsearch1 --dns cluster1-elasticsearch1 --dns `hostname` --dns localhost --dns localhost.localdomain --ip --ip ::1
echo "" | bin/elasticsearch-certutil cert --pem --days 398  --keysize 2048 --ca-cert cluster1-ca/ca.crt --ca-pass cluster1-ca --ca-key cluster1-ca/ca.key --pass cluster1-elasticsearch2 --name cluster1-elasticsearch2 --dns cluster1-elasticsearch2 --dns `hostname` --dns localhost --dns localhost.localdomain --ip --ip ::1
echo " "; openssl x509 -inform pem -in cluster1-ca/ca.crt -noout -subject -issuer -dates -serial
echo " "; openssl x509 -inform pem -in cluster1-elasticsearch1/cluster1-elasticsearch1.crt  -noout -subject -issuer -dates -serial
echo " "; openssl x509 -inform pem -in cluster1-elasticsearch2/cluster1-elasticsearch2.crt  -noout -subject -issuer -dates -serial
echo " "; openssl rsa  -inform pem -in cluster1-ca/ca.key --passin pass:cluster1-ca
echo " "; openssl rsa  -inform pem -in cluster1-elasticsearch1/cluster1-elasticsearch1.key --passin pass:cluster1-elasticsearch1
echo " "; openssl rsa  -inform pem -in cluster1-elasticsearch2/cluster1-elasticsearch2.key --passin pass:cluster1-elasticsearch2


  1. There is an option to use a yml file to create multiple certs with a single command.
  2. There is an option to use a PKCS12 file instead of separate cert/key files.
  3. I used elaticsearch-certutil from 8.4 to run these commands. The command in 6.3.0 may have slightly different parameters. For PKI, any external utility that creates valid certs is good, such as openssl or even Elasticsearch 8.4.
  4. It is a good idea for Transport protocol certs to be signed by a per-cluster private CA. HTTPS certs would be signed by a different CA, such as a public CA or an internal company CA.

Hello Justin,
Do you have any idea of how this can be done in a windows environment?

The elasticsearch-certutil and openssl commands can be run in Windows. The only differences I can think of are Windows specific file paths, and a slightly different way to echo a password as input into elasticsearch-certutil.

For example:


echo "" | bin/elasticsearch-certutil cert --pem --days 398  --keysize 2048 --ca-cert cluster1-ca/ca.crt --ca-pass cluster1-ca --ca-key cluster1-ca/ca.key --pass cluster1-elasticsearch1 --name cluster1-elasticsearch1 --dns cluster1-elasticsearch1 --dns `hostname` --dns localhost --dns localhost.localdomain --ip --ip ::1

Windows Command Prompt

echo|set /p="" | bin/elasticsearch-certutil cert --pem --days 398  --keysize 2048 --ca-cert cluster1-ca/ca.crt --ca-pass cluster1-ca --ca-key cluster1-ca/ca.key --pass cluster1-elasticsearch1 --name cluster1-elasticsearch1 --dns cluster1-elasticsearch1 --dns `hostname` --dns localhost --dns localhost.localdomain --ip --ip ::1

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