[RESOLVED] Input plugin Rabbitmq

Hi all,

I have a rabbitmq for queueing. I can see my logs comming in rabbitmq but never go out to my logstash.

Logstash log:

{:timestamp=>"2016-09-15T11:10:35.118000+0200", :message=>"Queue subscription ended! Will retry in 5s", :config=>{"host"=>"", "user"=>"admin", "password"=><password>, "queue"=>"test", "exchange"=>"my_exchange", "codec"=><LogStash::Codecs::Plain charset=>"UTF-8">, "debug"=>false, "add_field"=>{}, "threads"=>1, "port"=>5672, "vhost"=>"/", "ssl"=>false, "verify_ssl"=>false, "automatic_recovery"=>true, "connect_retry_interval"=>1, "passive"=>false, "arguments"=>{}, "durable"=>false, "auto_delete"=>false, "exclusive"=>false, "prefetch_count"=>256, "ack"=>true, "key"=>"logstash", "subscription_retry_interval_seconds"=>5}, :level=>:warn}

It is working with "fanout" exchange type but not with "direct" exchange type.

Do you have any idea regarding this ?

Thanks in advance,

If you leave the passive flag to true (default), it means logstash rabbitmq plugin would create the missing elements (queue, binding, ...) in rabbitmq if needed, and will compare your configuration with the existing one. So probably easier to set it to false and start from an existing complete config in rabbitMQ.

Otherwise, I see you didn't reference a routing-key, which is required for a direct exchange binding to a queue.

Thanks for your answer, it is working now.

Have a good day.