I am trying to install functionbeat 8.4 on an AWS (tried it on both amazon linux and Ubuntu). Elasticsearch is self hosted. Followed the installation guide(Functionbeat quick start: installation and configuration | Functionbeat Reference [8.4] | Elastic) to the t and am getting the following error after running the command
./functionbeat -v -e -d "*" deploy cloudwatch
{"log.level":"info","@timestamp":"2022-09-01T06:50:02.108Z","log.logger":"aws","log.origin":{"file.name":"aws/op_cloudformation.go","file.line":97},"message":"Stack event received, ResourceType: AWS::Logs::SubscriptionFilter, LogicalResourceId: fnbcloudwatchSFawslambdafunctionbeatcloudwatchserverless, ResourceStatus: CREATE_FAILED, ResourceStatusReason: Resource handler returned message: "The specified log group does not exist. (Service: CloudWatchLogs, Status Code: 400, Request ID: 39064335-8787-45b7-86c6-1549f25db970)" (RequestToken: 1ffbf28f-8b38-8e6c-698f-a44a039ac61e, HandlerErrorCode: GeneralServiceException)","service.name":"functionbeat","ecs.version":"1.6.0"}
I tried creating the log group specified and got the "log group already exists" error.
My user has all the permissions necessary.