:client:rest-high-level:qa does not exist

I am using SonarQube - * Community Edition Version 9.3 (build 51899). I wanted to run SonarQube (SonarScanner) on Elasticsearch. I could build the project (Elasticsearch) with its native gradle command ./gradlew localDistro. When I try to build with
./gradlew sonarqube -D"sonar.projectKey=demo" -D"sonar.host.url=http://localhost:9000" -D"sonar.login="TOKEN", I receive the following error:

Execution failed for task ':sonarqube'.
> The base directory of the module ':client:rest-high-level:qa' does not exist: C:\Users\erdem\Desktop\workspace\github\elasticsearch\client\rest-high-level\qa

What could be the reason?

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