Restore index without analysis settings

The restore documentation says that it is possible to restore a snapshot and either change or ignore most index settings. I am trying to ignore some or all of the "index.analysis" settings, as they reference some files for stopwords and synonyms which I no longer have access to.

I have tried the following two restore request payloads:

  "ignore_index_settings": [


  "index_settings": {
    "index.analysis": {}

But I get the following error each time:

[2015-10-15 14:27:41,053][WARN ][cluster.action.shard ] [products-201505151125][0] received shard failed for [products-201505151125][0], node[DHawKhRLSfOp24NN9iFePg], [P], restoring[custom-s3:products-1], s[INITIALIZING], unassigned_info[[reason=ALLOCATION_FAILED], at[2015-10-15T14:27:41.005Z], details[shard failure [failed to create index][IndexCreationException[[products-201505151125] failed to create index]; nested: FailedToResolveConfigException[Failed to resolve config path [analysis/stopwords.txt], tried file path [analysis/stopwords.txt], path file [/app/config/analysis/stopwords.txt], and classpath]; ]]], indexUUID [Tasz6HdYSSi1qfkRHY2f1w], reason [shard failure [failed to create index][IndexCreationException[[products-201505151125] failed to create index]; nested: FailedToResolveConfigException[Failed to resolve config path [analysis/stopwords.txt], tried file path [analysis/stopwords.txt], path file [/app/config/analysis/stopwords.txt], and classpath]; ]]

Is there a way I can get the restore operation to ignore these settings or is my snapshot essentially useless without the referenced files?

Index settings are different from analysis ones though, you can't do what you are looking to do sorry.